shadow – Nov 23, 2009 12:00 AM

Karen Pajari spent 3 days observing the pack after Malik’s retirement and provided the following observations. With Malik’s retirement, we anticipated a different response from each wolf based on their relationship with Malik. Shadow is his littermate, and we anticipated behavioral changes. Shadow lead several howls in the days following Malik’s retirement with frequent visits along the pack holding area fence line. Two days post retirement, Shadow spent most of his time up in the woods, but that may have been more associated with a deer torso than the retirement. By Friday, he was actively moving about the wolf yard, scent marking with RLU'S, resting on his side or in a sphinx posture just inside the tree line, easily visible and able to see the yard. He remains very social to all pack members as this week’s Youtube will demonstrate. This month’s Podcast will review the USDA incident report concerning the aggressive incident that prompted Malik’s retirement and the subsequent management challenges.

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