shadow – May 26, 2008 12:00 AM

If there were a test that we could easily administer to measure prolactin hormone, Shadow would likely be off the charts. He is incredibly social with wolf care staff and very attentive to the pups presence and even the movement of the lab door. Any indication that there's the possibility of a pup, he's up and focused. He is also very defensive with strangers in the wolf yard, and we are trying to be sensitive to this irritation. He's taken on a protective role of the pups . He's fine if wolf care staff handle the pups, but barks a threat display if nannies are with them. While this has caused a change in protocol, we are pleased that he has such a strong behavioral response. I am looking forward to the introduction and believe all indications are positive at this time. We are fortunate to have such a social dominant male.

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