shadow – Mar 24, 2008 12:00 AM

The bond between the littermates is strong. We see it with Grizzer and Maya, and we see it with Shadow and Malik. One behavior that we ask of observers is related to the position of how the wolves are sleeping. Where a wolf chooses to sleep and proximity to another wolf can tell us a great deal about social cohesiveness. Shadow tends to sleep on top of the den, although Grizzer and Maya do get their fair share of time on this prime spot. Malik will often be found lying near Shadow, but all of the pack seems to be found sleeping near Shadow at varying times of the day. We do note that if there’s a howling in the pack, Shadow is most often at the highest vantage point during the howl, whether that is on one of the rocks or on the den site. This week’s video for Shadow demonstrates this behavior.

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