shadow – Jun 22, 2000 12:00 AM

Nancy Gibson writes: The pups had their bi-weekly weigh-in on June 22 and Shadow (red collared wolf) continues to gain on his brother with 12.2 pounds. Malik (blue collared pup) only gained an ounce at 11.7 pounds. The pups are much more active now so their weight gain will not be as rapid as it has been. Both of the pups gave up nursing from the bottle yesterday, but they will continue to be fed the formula in a bowl for a couple of more weeks in addition to their solid food. The wolf pups did quite well at their first public appearances and howled in response to the children's howling contest. They are beginning to feel comfortable sleeping outside for short periods of time in preparation for their journey to the International Wolf Center where they will be housed outside permanently. Their feet are getting quite large in addition to their long legs.

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