shadow – Jul 9, 2010 12:00 AM

We are extremely pleased with Shadow's transition. He had one rough day on the 4th of July, one week post retirement. The issues were a combination of things. The heat and humidty were unbearable by Ely standards (temps nearing 90 degrees with high humidity), the flies started to emerge, Shadow hadn't started shedding and the Curator took a day off (who up until that point had been with him every day). Wolf care staff member Jen Westlund was called in and helped calm the situation. The following week, after displaying some agitation, Shadow rubbed himself up against the fence next to a running garden hose. Staff was able to completely douse Shadow, encouraging the start of the shedding process. Once Shadow started shedding, his undercoat came off by the bucket load. We noticed an immediate response in calmness, and an increase in resting behavior. Staff also installed sprinkler hoses on both enclosures, and now allow water to mist several times a day. The wolves will walk under the mist, fully wetting their coats.

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