shadow – Jan 28, 2008 12:00 AM

It has been an interesting winter for wolf observations, seeing Shadow start the winter with some intimidation and loss of confidence to the recent observations, not only showing him dominant, but comfortable in his dominance that he interacts socially, playbowing to Grizzer. With the warm weather this weekend, it’s hard not to think about spring. We have been planning for pups since November of 2006, with management plans, vet plans, site selection process and staffing changes. Now, it’s hard to believe pups are only months away. We are very excited and we know that Shadow and Maya will be great wolf parents. We appreciate everyone’s willingness to work with us, even though we’ve instituted some new stricter policies on the Nanny program. Every decision we make, we make with the wolves as the first priority. They don’t have a voice (although they do have a good howl as Malik demonstrates in this week’s video)… The Wolf Care Staff have to be their voice. As a reminder, Nanny and Behavioral Observation applications are still being accepted until February 1st. We are willing to accept the application as an email attachment.

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