shadow – Feb 5, 2010 12:00 AM

This is just a reminder that the wolf logs are now posted on Friday rather than Monday due to a change in the Curator's teaching schedule. The last posting was Friday, January 29th, but on February 1st, the January postings are automatically moved to the archive section, which is why the main log screen has appeared empty since the 1st of February. To see archive data, just click the month/year that you would like to review and you can see the log postings. We thought we had made progress last week with anti-inflammatory treatments for Shadow, thinking that his change in behavior may have been due to some chronic pain of old age, but this week, we continue to see Shadow more aloof and still testing to some staff. We have also had some re-occurring locations of radio-collared wolves in the area, so we may now be thinking that Shadow is being more territorial and responding to wild wolf presence as the wild wolf breeding season is peaking at this time of the year. We will continue to monitor this closely, but at this time, Shadow appears to prefer the Curator, and long-time wolf care staff member Jen Westlund. The other staff, are taking a break from wolf care in the Exhibit Pack. Hopefully, if this is hormonal, that it will be a short-term break.

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