shadow – Feb 2, 2009 12:00 AM

When staff come in for a wolf check in the morning, it's important to judge the tensions in the pack. The best measure of this is Shadow. If Shadow is calm, the tensions are not too significant, if Shadow is anxious, the rest of the pack has some issues. We did a short Behind the Scenes for staff last week, the first one this winter, and while Shadow only did a brief bark howl, since he knew some of the Center staff, he was a bit agitated and redirected to the pups, which caused Maya to pin Aidan and Grizzer to chase Malik. A lesson was learned, keep Shadow calm at all costs, at least until the winter aggression subsides. We don't have as many of these issues in the summer, and will continue to offer 2 Behind the Scenes programs per week this summer.

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