shadow – Dec 8, 2008 12:00 AM

On a weekly basis, we allow the wolves access to the Retired enclosure to explore, this is good stimulus for the pack, and allows us to complete projects in the Exhibit enclosure without the inquisitive nature of pups. The wolves line up at the gate, and run straight through the chute to be the first to enter. What’s been most interesting is Shadow is usually the last one to leave. He is very relaxed in this area, and would prefer to stay and explore, while the shorter attention spans of the pups want to go back to the Exhibit and see what wolf care staff have done. This is very reassuring for the comfort of Shadow in retirement will be critical to his acceptance when he eventually is retired. Although, if you watch his video, that is not looking like a scenario in the near future. A new YouTube video has been posted showing scenes from the early winter in Ely.

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