shadow – Dec 20, 2000 12:00 AM

Lakota was isolated in holding area for treatment of her bite wound. Her condition was much improved and she was far more relaxed when Lori Schmidt (LS) conducted a physical exam. The wound is healing nicely and she has stopped licking at the site. Again, when Lakota was released from the holding pen, Shadow entered the pen and cornered Lakota. LS blocked the pups attempts to pin Lakota and moved them out of the holding pen. LS then isolated the pups in an adjacent holding pen and again opened Lakota's holding pen door to release her back into the main enclosure. This time, Mackenzie came into the holding pen and dominated Lakota, but LS was able to distract Mackenzie and allow Lakota a chance to exit the enclosure. Once Lakota was safely back in the main enclosure, the pups were released. Shadow immediately chased Lakota into the den, but did not physically grab her, wolf care staff will be more actively monitoring the interactions of these two wolves.

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