shadow – Aug 4, 2008 12:00 AM

Shadow took the lead on the introduction and after one day of observations, it can be said that he continues to be the lead on the pups transition into the pack. Within minutes of Malik and Grizzer's release, Shadow dominated them both in front of the pups, setting the tone of their behavior. He regurgitated a full meal for the pups before the introduction even started. In preparation for Monday's events, staff removed the protective pup panel at the front of the Exhibit Pack, leaving the option for nose to nose contact. When the pups were released at 6 am, they ran to the Exhibit Pack, and Shadow greeted, growled at Malik when he approached and regurgitated most of his evening meal in front of the pups. The pups pawed at the fence to reach it. This left Shadow very hungry and he spent a fair amount of the introduction eating meatballs which were meant to distract Grizzer and Malik. When the pups met Shadow, they were taught their first lesson in rank-order protocol, and they did well. Being dominated or disciplined doesn't make them avoid the pack leader, they are more comfortable as they know their place in the pack.

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