shadow – Aug 15, 2000 12:00 AM

Earlier in the day, 2 Turkey Vultures flew over the enclosure at tree-top level. Shadow responded with tucked tail and began pacing. Mackenzie ran to the Northeast fence-line where Shadow was pacing, quickly sniffed him, paced the same area, then charged the fence-line into the woods. The entire pack followed, with Shadow more anxious than the rest. Wolf Care staff investigated the area for evidence of human or animal activity, but didn't detect anything. Shadow later settled down and slept by the enclosure entrance gate. But later in the day, Wolf Care Staff member Peter Kramer came outside to visit the puppies and observed a wild wolf pup within 5 feet of the exterior enclosure fence (directly behind the bleachers). The presence of this pup may have been a stimulus for the anxiety by Shadow and subsequent charge by Mackenzie and the pack up the Northeast fence line.

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