shadow – Apr 3, 2006 12:00 AM

Shadow's been displaying some interesting behavior lately. For years, he's been reluctant to eat in front of large crowds at the What's for Dinner program. Wolf Care Staff always made sure he had enough to eat, even if it meant that he had individual meals prepared, but his shyness towards strangers left him out of the carcass feeds. Since the 2004 pup introduction, Shadow seems to have developed more confidence as he clearly has a role in leading this pack, rather than just living with a brother. This confidence is most noteable in the last few months of pack feedings. Shadow actively guards the carcass, and dictates who feeds. On Saturday during the What's for Dinner program, Grizzer and Shadow guarded the carcass from Malik, and between Grizzer, Shadow and Maya, nearly consumed the entire deer in less than 24 hours, leaving little for Malik. Intern, Mary Murphy, notified wolf care staff and a fresh road-kill deer was fed to the pack on Sunday night. All is well, Shadow is full and has not defended the second carcass, leaving Malik and the ravens to have a few meals.

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