shadow – Apr 10, 2006 12:00 AM

Shadow is doing well, there's some concern about the reoccurence of an ear mite problem as he's shown some scratching behavior. A vet visit is scheduled for May 4th, at which time, both arctics will be lightly sedated to allow a full inspection and ear cleaning. The drug we will use will be fully reversable, allowing them to return to the enclosure within 10 minutes of the procedure. Grizzer and Maya will not be sedated, as they willingly allow full inspection and cleaning of their ears. Care will be given to avoid affecting the male rank order during these medical procedures. Wolf care staff will be meeting to discuss scenarios and management decisions. The Center veterinarian, Dr. Chip Hanson, will be on site for the full procedures, and a Wolf Watch program will be offered on the evening of the 4th to allow for full 24 hour, post exam observation. If you are interested in signing up for the Wolf Watch program, please check out the website under Northern Minnesota Learning Adventures.

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