Grizzer has many cache’s throughout his enclosure.   Last weekend was our annual Working for Wolves program and the crew did an OUTSTANDING JOB!!!!, not only cleaning the straw from the enclosure and preparing the ponds for summer, but also reducing the dead and downed wood within and adjacent to the wolf enclosure that could be a fire risk for our packs.  Grizzer spent a bit of time searching for some cache’s that were buried in the straw, but he soon forgot them in favor of the new treats used to keep the wolves content while in holding.

Luna attempts a Denali squash and fortunately, Denali goes along with the idea.  As you can tell from Luna’s ear posture, she is intent on the behavior.  Luna continues to be the most assertive and most active wolf in the Exhibit Pack.

Spring is great for two reasons, we get rid of snow and the migration of birds makes for a lot of stimuli.  Aidan is watching a flock of songbirds that have decided to land within the enclosure.  If you recall the fall migration, that’s not a good choice for to take a break.  Aidan’s more tolerant than the other pack mates, Denali, Luna and Boltz frequently stalk and chase, Aidan just watches.  Although the tongue sticking out might signify a bit more action.

While some captive wolves meander, Boltz always makes his movements across the enclosure as efficient as if he were strolling across a forest habitat.  He has the characteristic wolf gait, showing the efficiency of this mobile predator.  Of course, Boltz is only two years old, so he’s got the energy to gait, versus some of the retirees, who would rather meander.

So, Denali displays an ear posture termed “Airplane Ears”.  Why airplane ears?  Well I believe this term was coined by our colleagues at Wolf Park in Battle Ground, Indiana, because the ears are held out to the side in a manner that simulates the wings of an airplane.  Why do they display this, in our experience, it’s when a wolf is uncertain about something or someone.  In this case, Luna was approaching and that’s enough to make anyone’s ears turn sideways.

We do enjoy photographing the wolves for logs, educational programs and retail items, but our primary purpose is wolf care.  When we get a chance to do a dental inspection without having to hold open a mouth, we take it.  As you can see from Grizzer’s photo, he has limited tartar build up, his canine teeth look sound with limited war and he clearly has good jaw bone mobility.  Of course, we need a photo of the uppers too, but that can be accomplished when he’s on the den.


A dark color phase wolf is certainly easy to spot in winter, but when summer arrives, Luna tends to blend in with the rock backdrops as well as the dry grass from last fall.  The wolves typically begin the shedding process in late May or early June and Luna’s lighter colored undercoat will also dissipate.

One thing we know about wolves that have been through some loss of a packmate is that they can have some impacts on their behaviors.  Whether people term it sadness, sense of loss or separation anxiety, we know there are differences.  In the past month, we have reported that Shadow had been howling more and eating less.  Well, these trends have switched.  Shadow is howling less and he’s eating just about everything that we feed him.  This is a good sign, especially for an older wolf who might experience some natural muscular decline.  Shadow’s physical structure feels good and when we watch him jump up on the den, we know he has mobility.  We are certainly discussing the options of rejoining Shadow with Grizzer, but we still have a lot of ice under the straw and will not make any changes until the Working for Wolves crew can help remove these hazards (straw insulates ice, so when the crew moves the straw.. the ice will go). 

Shadow will be 14 years old on May 8, and as he ages his voice is somewhat quieter in range. Nonetheless when Shadow howls, it calls the attention of all the other wolves who howl in response.


Luna’s photo shows her constant awareness and engagement in activity anywhere nearby. Little escapes Luna’s attention, and if food is involved she asserts her dominant tendencies.