All wolves isolated in pack holding area after 3 days of Treatment with Clomiprimine. Interns then entered the enclosure to do scat collection, wash the upper windows and scan the old den area for miscellaneous debris from the recent demolition project. Shadow and Malik were very calm and spent the time playing with a birch log, Mackenzie, Lucas and Lakota appeared much more relaxed than earlier experiences, with very little pacing behavior. Staff commented that Lucas didn't have that crazed look in his eye that he sometimes gets when isolated out of the main enclosure. Lakota did exhibit some fence biting near the end of the 1 hour test, but it was lacking in intensity. The construction is scheduled for September, throughout the next month, we will continually discuss the management protocol to ensure the construction goes smoothly for wolves and the humans.

The Center is offering a free "Member's Only Behind the Scenes" tour prior to the feeding program. A wolf care staff escorts the group (limited to 15) to a set of bleachers adjacent to the wolf enclosure for a 45 minute introduction to the pack. The first program started today, with the wolves responding well to the group, all wolves approached the fence to see what was going on. This program is free to all member's but is limited to 15 total, with a minimum age requirement of 6. Members may sign up at the Center Den store. This program is offered on Saturday's during July and August.

A big wind and rain storm occured right before the Member's Behind the Scenes program. The wolves were very relaxed with the group considering they all had to stand due to the wet bleachers. Curator, Lori Schmidt, had to clear 2 downed trees off the fence due to the storm. The evening's feeding program went well, but Shadow and Malik still aggressivly claim the carcass, but there is plenty of meat for all the wolves."

Attempted to give Lucas vitamins, but ended up with vitamins to all wolves, but Lucas. (so much for the earlier log comments about vitamins being easy to deliver). Curator, Lori Schmidt, put Lucas in the holding pen alone and attempted to feed the vitamins to Lucas in a meatball. Lucas ate the meat and left the vitamins. After the third meatball, Lucas finally ate his vitamins. June in Ely is the beginning of the bug season. To keep the wolves comfortable in the exhibit and willing to stay in front of the viewing windows, staff provide pine and cedar wood chips near the observation windows. The wood chips (especially cedar oil) seems to act as a natural bug repellent. The wolves are also treated with daily fly ointment on their ear tips to deter biting flies.

Good interactions with all wolves. LS measured pup length for Education Department with only minimal biting of the tape. Mackenzie was very possessive of staff and spent a fair amount of time driving Shadow away, she barred her teeth and growled whenever Shadow approached and was observed following Shadow throughout the enclosure.

Dave Mech and Nancy Gibson were in Ely on Thursday October 5th, for a presentation to the US Forest Service. While in town, they spent time with the pack and fed the pups as scheduled for the Thursday night feeding. They had a great visit not only with the pups, but Dave Mech had great contact with Mackenzie, who can sometimes be rather reserved. This may be related to the status of her position as Alpha female which seems to have elevated since the pups introduction. Mackenzie has a significantly higher tail position in almost all behavioral interactions and her dominance over Lakota has increased as well. It will be interesting to monitor this heightened status as winter approaches. Even though these wolves are spayed and neutered, there are still heightened levels of aggression during the timing of the breeding season. This season could be interesting.

Steve Lokker sent this picture of Grizzer as a puppy. I guess the tree chewing has been a long history.

There isn't too much to report. Over the weekend, the temperatures topped 80 degrees again and led to the wolves being more elusive on the exhibit. Grizzer managed to take the top off of my favorite maple tree on Friday, so enclosure enrichment activities will be stepped up a bit.

Lucas is doing well, no news to report other than the fact that he still prefers sleeping under the cover of the branches of the recent tree felling.

Film crew at the center, Shadow stole the window cleaning bucket from Lori Schmidt (LS), while she was cleaning windows for the film crew. LS retrieved bucket, but it was significantly chewed prior to retrieval.