MacKenzie is doing well. She continues to have some lipid deposits in her right eye, but so far, the eye drops seem to help. All of the retired wolves are scheduled for a medical exam in October (when cooler temperatures will make the exam easier on the wolves). Veterinarians are planning a more complete examination and possible treatments to reduce the advancement of these deposits. Staff have noticed her sensitivity to quick movements and she generally stays out of the sun (and the view of the webcam) and retreats to the shaded part of the enclosure. Last week, she defended a cache of venison in the far corner of the pen, keeping wolves and humans to the front of the pen.

Malik recently killed a chipmunk in the enclosure and brought it over to the puppy gate. He didn't eat it, but proceeded to scent roll on the carcass. Maya became very stimulated with this behavior and intently watched Malik. Malik seems to be more interested in play behavior with the pups, and shows less whining behavior toward the pups than Shadow. He is often at the chainlink fence, rubbing his body against the fence while the pups run along with him on the other side of the chainlink. Malik will attempt to put a paw through the gate to touch the pups while they are on their way to the daily programs.

The Behavioral Team completed the observations today, it appears that the introducion was a success. Of all the pups, Grizzer seems most relaxed in the main exhibit, frequenting the pond and spending time staring at little kids in the window. He did a mimicking head bob to a small boy at the window today. The boy bobbed his head, Grizzer bobbed his head. This went on for only a few seconds, but it was entertaining.

During the first pack feeding, Maya did extremely well. She approached the carcass and started eating, even when Malik and Shadow were pulling from it. She defended her food from his packmate Grizzer, but was very carefull in approaching Nyssa. After chewing on the carcass, she went back to upper part of the enclosure to rest. Here you can see a diamond shape shade on Maya's back than can help differenciate her from Grizzer.

During the feeding, Malik was the second wolf in reach the carcass, after Shadow. He was chewing on it when the pups came and claimed the deer for themselves. Malik backed up and let the puppies eat for a long time. After that, he was walking all over the deer, trying to find a place to sneak and get a piece of deer, when he finally got a place, Nyssa snarled at him and Malik growled back making Nyssa to submit. After that he left the puppies eat and went with Shadow to watch from a distance. He is being showing lots of progress with the puppies, he is playing more and becoming more tolerant of their plays.

During the feeding, shadow allowed all the puppies to eat first. He was watching over Malik and let no one disturbed them. He only tried once or twice to take the deer into the wooden area, but the puppies where pulling in the other direction, so he let it down. There was a moment when the five of them were eating together, but then Nyssa reacted and push away the arctics. Shadow then went with Malik and watch the puppies feeding for about 20 mins before going into the back of the enclosure.

MacKenzie is doing great. She's also been very active with the cooler weather and enjoys the increased feedings that fall and winter bring. The retired pack still looks sleek with a summer coat, but staff notice a daily change to the pelage as the winter coat grows in quickly.

Shadow seems to be feeling better, now that we have the ear mite issue treated. Staff have commented on how much his social contact has increased. The Exhibit is calmest when Shadow feels good.

Lakota continues to be very active and spry in the mornings. She have been very enthusiastic with facial greetings wehn greeting staff in the mornings. She has been observed this week actively submitting to MacKenzie, who has maintained her alpha status into her old age.

Malik had a rough time during the afternoon. Shadow was dominating him most of the time, making him tucked his tail and show some teeth. But what he never expected was that Grizzer took advantage of this and started riding him up. Malik growled at Grizzer several times, but he would just come back and try again. Shadow was dominating Malik for quite a time, he even pin him to the ground and then all the puppies were climbing on him. Malik then ran to the wood part of the enclosure and stood there for almost half an hour.