It's been a quiet week for Grizzer. Oscar took a mini-vacation and has been offsite since Thursday. He'll be back on Tuesday, but his absence in the wolf yard is probably missed by Grizzer. He's had some extra staff time as colder temperatures, snow and the need for extra care has increased wolf care hours in the last few days.

Someone recently asked me if I had a favorite wolf. Certainly some people may think it's hard not to think of some individuals with a greater concern because of their individual needs, but the reality is, every wolf is different and they all have some unique characteristic to make them special. So, I thought I would dedicate this week's wolf logs to those unique characteristics. Denali seems to be a juvenile in an adults body. He has very little aggression with the exception of food. Some people may question that statement considering what Grizzer went through with Denali, but Grizzer initiated the issues with Denali. Most of the encounters between Grizzer and Denali were Denali defending himself, often with tucked tail as he ran from Grizzer. The problem Grizzer had was that Denali was nearly a foot taller than Grizzer, leaving the top of his head as the main contact with Denali. Denali does not like conflict and is often observed rolling around with the pups (of course Grizzer did the same thing for Denali.)

Someone recently asked me if I had a favorite wolf. Certainly some people may think it's hard not to think of some individuals with a greater concern because of their individual needs, but the reality is, every wolf is different and they all have some unique characteristic to make them special. So, I thought I would dedicate this week's wolf logs to those unique characteristics. Grizzer has the most expressive behaviors with staff. He willingly submits and has the most social interactions of any wolf here. He is alert to the activities of all packs and knows exactly when any food resource enters another enclosure and let's staff know through a rattle of a chain, slam of a gate or a snapping of a tree branch.

Thanks for checking for the wolf logs and cameras, even when we aren’t always live. We seem to have an intermittent router problem, and we’re currently working with more tech support people than wolf care staff. With that said, the due to other obligations, the logs are all the same this week. I did produce a Youtube video this week and used some of the surveillance camera footage. The surveillance cameras are motion activated with noise activated sound. They are sometimes choppy, but it is good to have a view of the activity after dark. Shadow and Malik have the most activity, since the camera focuses on their main densite. Grizzer tends to sleep near the wolf yard, and is always resting and waiting for Oscar to make his morning rounds. Aidan and Denali had an interesting week, Aidan has been carrying the crook of his tail with a bit of status. There were several days when Aidan was keeping Denali in a wooded area of the pen, but today, they seem to be back to their usual interactions. We will be doing some concrete work on the Slate Den next week, and will be testing the new enclosure configuration, keeping Aidan and Denali in the Pack Holding area for a few hours, while Grizzer stays in his new habitat. I would expect to see Grizzer with a lot of activity during that project.

Thanks for checking for the wolf logs and cameras, even when we aren’t always live. We seem to have an intermittent router problem, and we’re currently working with more tech support people than wolf care staff. With that said, the due to other obligations, the logs are all the same this week. I did produce a Youtube video this week and used some of the surveillance camera footage. The surveillance cameras are motion activated with noise activated sound. They are sometimes choppy, but it is good to have a view of the activity after dark. Shadow and Malik have the most activity, since the camera focuses on their main densite. Grizzer tends to sleep near the wolf yard, and is always resting and waiting for Oscar to make his morning rounds. Aidan and Denali had an interesting week, Aidan has been carrying the crook of his tail with a bit of status. There were several days when Aidan was keeping Denali in a wooded area of the pen, but today, they seem to be back to their usual interactions. We will be doing some concrete work on the Slate Den next week, and will be testing the new enclosure configuration, keeping Aidan and Denali in the Pack Holding area for a few hours, while Grizzer stays in his new habitat. I would expect to see Grizzer with a lot of activity during that project.

Aidan continues to show more relaxed behavior on the greeting rock. We still don't have any word on the camera repair for the Exhibit Pack, but will place this as top priority to install them once they are returned. Aidan and Oscar have really developed a great relationship and Aidan watches for Oscar when he comes on and off site. During the day, Oscar has been spending time alone in the wolf yard, safe behind the protective panels. Staff have observed both Aidan and Denali rubbing up against the fence with Oscar in very social greetings.

I'm not sure if I wrote about this last week (I could look, but it's late), but Shadow was in the den when a tree fell and hit the edge of his den. He was instantly started, but stayed to investigate the tree. In the past, when Malik had a tree fall near him, he was anxious for a very long time. It is amazing how different these two wolves respond to external conditions. Other than the tree, Shadow is very alert to activities around the enclosure, there seems to be a significant amount of wildlife activity on the outside of the fences, possibly wolves, fox, deer, coyotes, who knows.

Malik has a good video clip on Youtube defending a piece of bone dust. He is proof that regardless of your status, wolves have a right to possess and guard food even from the dominant pack member. Shadow is in charge with every encounter in Retirement except food. This is why wolf care staff are very diligent about hand feeding Shadow and spreading the carcasses in separate areas.

Thanks for checking for the wolf logs and cameras, even when we aren’t always live. We seem to have an intermittent router problem, and we’re currently working with more tech support people than wolf care staff. With that said, the due to other obligations, the logs are all the same this week. I did produce a Youtube video this week and used some of the surveillance camera footage. The surveillance cameras are motion activated with noise activated sound. They are sometimes choppy, but it is good to have a view of the activity after dark. Shadow and Malik have the most activity, since the camera focuses on their main densite. Grizzer tends to sleep near the wolf yard, and is always resting and waiting for Oscar to make his morning rounds. Aidan and Denali had an interesting week, Aidan has been carrying the crook of his tail with a bit of status. There were several days when Aidan was keeping Denali in a wooded area of the pen, but today, they seem to be back to their usual interactions. We will be doing some concrete work on the Slate Den next week, and will be testing the new enclosure configuration, keeping Aidan and Denali in the Pack Holding area for a few hours, while Grizzer stays in his new habitat. I would expect to see Grizzer with a lot of activity during that project.

Thanks for checking for the wolf logs and cameras, even when we aren’t always live. We seem to have an intermittent router problem, and we’re currently working with more tech support people than wolf care staff. With that said, the due to other obligations, the logs are all the same this week. I did produce a Youtube video this week and used some of the surveillance camera footage. The surveillance cameras are motion activated with noise activated sound. They are sometimes choppy, but it is good to have a view of the activity after dark. Shadow and Malik have the most activity, since the camera focuses on their main densite. Grizzer tends to sleep near the wolf yard, and is always resting and waiting for Oscar to make his morning rounds. Aidan and Denali had an interesting week, Aidan has been carrying the crook of his tail with a bit of status. There were several days when Aidan was keeping Denali in a wooded area of the pen, but today, they seem to be back to their usual interactions. We will be doing some concrete work on the Slate Den next week, and will be testing the new enclosure configuration, keeping Aidan and Denali in the Pack Holding area for a few hours, while Grizzer stays in his new habitat. I would expect to see Grizzer with a lot of activity during that project.