maya – May 16, 2006 12:00 AM

Maya, the most predatory in behavior, has been checking out the frog population that has settled into the pond. Maya is most quick to respond to movement, and with the recent 2-week spell of rain, amphibians have been very active. We are happy to report that we think we have solved the pond pump access issue, finally finding a method to keep Maya from the filter system. Of course, now that I am writing this, there's a good possibility that she'll figure something out. One thing people learn about wolves, both wild and captive, never say never. The minute we say wolves will never do something, there's new research data or a new study that finds out that they have. A recent example of that relates to fish consumption in British Columbia. Wolves in Minnesota are not known to consume fish, so the standard answer is that no, wolves don't eat fish. But, a recent study near Vancouver Island showed a very adaptive group of wolves that were consuming fish as a significant part of their diet.

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