mackenzie – Oct 10, 2000 12:00 AM

Dave Mech and Nancy Gibson were in Ely on Thursday October 5th, for a presentation to the US Forest Service. While in town, they spent time with the pack and fed the pups as scheduled for the Thursday night feeding. They had a great visit not only with the pups, but Dave Mech had great contact with Mackenzie, who can sometimes be rather reserved. This may be related to the status of her position as Alpha female which seems to have elevated since the pups introduction. Mackenzie has a significantly higher tail position in almost all behavioral interactions and her dominance over Lakota has increased as well. It will be interesting to monitor this heightened status as winter approaches. Even though these wolves are spayed and neutered, there are still heightened levels of aggression during the timing of the breeding season. This season could be interesting.

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