mackenzie – Jan 8, 2002 12:00 AM

Mackenzie and Lucas are showing more classic pair bonding behavior as the alpha pair. Even though they are spayed and neutered, they still show a hormonal response during this time when wolves would normally breed (January-February). They have been observed sleeping close together, pawing each other and running along side one another with high tails, licking each others faces. The yearlings attempt to keep up, but they generally get rolled over on their back by the alphas and are left behind. The one noticeable issue for staff is that the yearlings are playing a lot more since they were placed on Chlomipramine. They seem to be less obsessed with dominating Lakota and more interested in participating in pack activities or play bouts. Shadow is frequently observed throwing bones into the air, only to have Malik take them and run. Lucas was even observed initiating a game of chase with the yearlings.

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