mackenzie – Jan 16, 2007 12:00 AM

We’ve seen no further decline in mobility in MacKenzie since the maintenance dose of anti-inflammatory was started, but some days she just doesn't seem to have the spark as other days and she's beginning to really show her age. As you see from this week’s video, she is able to maneuver as she does a turn around while watching the staff in the enclosure, but it's not at a very fast pace. The high pressure weather system over the weekend has brought cold, clear days, causing a lot of sun reflectance. She seems to be a bit sensitive to the glare, as her photo shows a bit of a squint. Of course, we’re all squinting a bit in the bright sun glaring off the layer of snow. In this colder weather, the retired pack has been getting very frequent feedings, and both seem to be doing well with several bales of straw to choose from. They really do much better in the cold than they do in the hot summer days.

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