mackenzie – Aug 9, 2000 12:00 AM

The pups were introduced into the exhibit pack today. The following is a summary from the Behavioral Observation Team. Behavioral Observation team members: Team 1: Carol Moore, Joyce Powers, Debra Mendrick Team 2: Claire Belle, Jeanette Howard, Kara Milnes Team 3: Jessica Reihing, Susan Toochin, Dari Quirk, Kristine Radermacher Pups are choosing to sleep near Mackenzie ( ranging from 6 inches to 5 feet distance) and sometimes Lucas. Pups appear to run to Mackenzie when fearful or when being chased by Lakota and Lucas. Generally, when the pups are restless, Mackenzie whines and approaches the pups until they lay down, at which time, she circles them and then lays down in the same general area. Several times during the observation shift, after Mackenzie demonstrated this behavior, Lucas attempted to approach and Mackenzie stood up, flattened her ears and Lucas retreated. During one of the encounters, Mackenzie curled her lip and barred her teeth at Lucas, again he retreated rather than approaching the pups.

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