Luna – Running with the Pack

In this week’s Youtube video you will see Luna active and running with the pack.  In most cases, she instigates the chase by doing playbows and obnoxious submission behavior towards Aidan.  Despite her limitations, she can run.  As she approaches her 4th birthday next spring, we are really monitoring her movements and see if she has any degradation of her joints that might make life challenging as she ages.  We certainly know that the addition of pups will mean an increased amount of time running with the pack.  Since wolf care staff will be with the pups 24 hours a day, 7 days of week during the late spring and summer of 2016, we are in a good position to care for Luna if there is a medical procedure that can improve her condition.  But, that is the key phrase, the risk of the medical procedure and recovery must have a greater benefit to her quality of life.  The next few months will have a lot of discussions and observations to make these critical management decisions.