Luna – Roll on Back

Luna rolling on back in the cover hay, but not for long.  We will be removing the hay as part of the Working for Wolves program on May 15th.  Actually, we may need to do a pre-Working for Wolves hay removal.  In the East side enclosure, we removed straw yesterday and discovered a 6 inch layer of ice.  So, if we want to truly clean up the enclosure on the Working for Wolves weekend, we need to remove the 18 bales of cover hay that keep the ice intact.  As we start the summer season, we are starting a new dose of Ivermectin which treats a broad spectrum of parasites as well as prevents heartworm.  In order to ensure we have the proper dose, the wolves were weighed today.  Luna weighed in at 97 pounds.  This is an increase in weight from her two=year old weight last year of 91.7 lbs and her yearling weight of 82 lbs.   A person would only need to watch a “What’s for Dinner” program to appreciate this data.