Luna – Nose to Nose Making Grizzer Uncomfortable
Luna has been very receptive to body work lately and you may see staff on the webcam trying a variety of techniques. She has her favorites and you may see her present her right leg extended for the staff to reach. We are very pleased with her behavioral progress since her last medical exam. Staff report good interactions compared to a period of time when she responded with grab bites to staff whenever they tried to interact. Grizzer can attest to Luna’s improvements as well with more face to face contact. In this week’s photo, you may notice Luna in submissive ears, greeting Grizzer with a “Nose-to-Nose” greeting; Grizzer’s not quite sure if he can trust the submissive interaction. He displays an ear posture called “Ear’s Pricked and Turned Sideways” or EPTS in our ethogram. This posture indicates interest (ears are pricked), but a bit of uncertainly (turned sideways). The Veterinarian would like some follow-up bloodwork on Luna, but we will need to reduce her excess winter coat to reduce any overheating issues while under sedation. We have identified a pattern when Luna has more discomfort. Days with high humidity and low barometric pressure seems to be more uncomfortable on her joints, especially just before a storm. If you would like to get a chance to learn more about Luna and Grizzer and see their interactions, the wolf care department has started a Behind the Scenes tour at the Center in Ely, every Friday morning at 9 am. Registration is limited to 20 people, so call the Wolf Den Store to reserve a spot.