luna – Jul 26, 2012 12:00 AM

We received Luna's bloodwork and she is in normal range in Vitamin D levels which is great news. Her last set of x-rays show the femur fracture completely healed, and mineralization of the bone indicating an improvement in bone density. We will continue to provide her nutritional supplements, but based on the comparison between Boltz's x-ray and Luna's, she will be included on the July 30th pup introduction. We are trying to maximize her weight and would like to see her at around 38 lbs, which was Maya's weight on her introduction. <br> Here are the weight gains since the last posting:<br> Date Days of Age Weight in Pounds<br> <li>7/21/2012 119 33.9 <li> 7/22/2012 120 34.83<li> 7/23/2012 121 35.27<li> 7/24/2012 122 35.27<li> 7/25/2012 123 36.16<li> 7/26/2012 124 36.59

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