Luna – In the Bushes

Soon, the summer season will be a distant memory and the fall leaves will turn.  The contrast between Luna in the fall colors is striking, but even more striking is the tendency of the younger wolves (Boltz and Luna) to ambush birds as they make a stop in the enclosure before they finish their migration south.  For some, they don’t make it, for others, their skills of flight keeps them alive another day.  Luna seems to have a very strong predatory drive.  This might be why she has a tendency to watch the TV near the auditorium window.  Luna provided some good behaviors during the recent wolf watch, tossing deer hides, attempting to distract Aidan so she could take his deer leg.  She even showed a pairbonding moment with Aidan.  We have it on film, so there’s no denying that Luna has the ability to be part of a socially bonding dominant pair.