lakota – Sep 11, 2000 12:00 AM

Whenever there's leftover food from a Saturday night pack feeding, specifically deer heads, Lucas can be observed prancing around with it in his mouth, attempting to entice his pack mates into a game of tug-o-war or chase for the food. On 9/24, this behavior was observed. Lucas was in possession of the deer head and followed Lakota for several minutes. Lakota submissively rolled over to Lucas, and then jumped up to move out of his way as he continued to come at her with the deer head in his mouth. Lakota demonstrated several play bows to Lucas, but he never initiated a chase, nor did he let go of the deer head. Usually, Lucas follows the other wolves and then growls at them if they are too close to his deer head, even though he was the one who approached them. Lakota always seems to be confused as to how to respond to this behavior.

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