lakota – Oct 30, 2005 12:00 AM

This week's wolf logs were written by program participants in the 10/28-10/30/05 weekend program called "Working for Wolves", in which participants performed enclosure enrichment and maintenance projects in both the Retired and Exhibit enclosures. Written by Pam Dolajeck and Lori Rhodes: The Working for Wolves weekend was cool, but dry. Maintenance work was done in both enclosures, with the den boxes in the retirement enclosures being cleaned, moved, and new straw distributed throughout. Excess tree branches and limbs were also removed. New benches were made, making it easier for the wolves to get on top of the den boxes. When the Retired pack was returned to their enclosure, Lakota explored the surroundings and then settled into one box. She seemed content with the new changes.

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