lakota – Oct 27, 2008 12:00 AM

There was another work crew this weekend, adding upper overhanging wire on the new enclosure fence, and adding panels to increase the fence heights of the existing enclosure. This required Lakota to stay in the pack holding area all day, as VCC student volunteers worked in her enclosure. She did well, lying in the straw in the holding area, occasionally getting up to watch the students. After the work was done, she spent quite a while sniffing where everyone had been. I really want to reiterate how important the Workin’ for Wolves program was this fall. The work completed by this weekend program, truly made a difference in Lakota’s life. The additional space and stimulus of the new area keeps her alert and active. In addition to the daily wolf yard and lab visits, she is very mobile. One of the wolf care staff brought her a grouse on Friday; she was excited to carry it around the enclosures, running the fence line with the Exhibit Pack, and later took it to the back of her enclosure and plucked it. This kind of stimulus will keep her young.

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