lakota – Nov 29, 2004 12:00 AM

On Thanksgiving morning, Wolf Care Staff Jen Westlund, Matt Fetterer and Jess Edberg came in at 8 am to do wolf care. They noticed Lakota was lethargic, a bit humped over and seemed to be suffering some discomort to the stomach area. Jen Westlund contacted the Vet, Dr. Chip Hanson and he came up for an examination. There was concern that there may have been an intestinal blockage, so she was chemically immobilized and brought to the Vet Clinic. Xrays, bloodwork and a scope of her stomach revealed no signs of a blockage, but her elevated temperature was a concern that she was fighting an infection. She was started on Intramuscular antibiotics twice a day for 7 days. Wolf care staff monitored throughout the weekend and more bloodwork will be done on Monday. She is up and moving around, but remains a bit lethargic and uninterested in food. Treatments are ongoing to deal with dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. She remains in the denbox resting most of the day, but twice daily, the curators dogs are brought on site to provide stimulus. She always gets up to see the dogs and seems to be improved after their visit.

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