lakota – Jul 15, 2007 12:00 AM

As you may have noticed, the retired webcam has now been placed on our site with the 2 new cameras on the Exhibit Pack. Unfortunately, when the retired camera was switched to our site on Friday, the image at froze on two of our wolf care staff grooming and treating Lakota's growth. So, over the weekend, this was the image portrayed on, camera 3. Even though people saw that image all weekend long, the staff didn't spend the weekend with Lakota. The image was a still image recorded on Friday morning and was stalled on that site. The Retired camera on is working well and posting new images. It is the wolf care staff's first daily task to brush Lakota out to remove excess hair and to clean the growth and apply antibiotics and sun protection to the growth. This week's image will show a clear view of this growth, as said in previous logs, the vet has determined it to be benign, and we will be removing it after the weather cools, Lakota sheds the thick layer of hair and the fly season is decreased. All of those environmental factors must be considered before surgery is done. This growth doesn't appear to affect Lakota in any physical or behavioral way. She has good mobility, she has a great appetite and she is very willing to allow us to inspect it daily.

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