lakota – Jan 4, 2002 12:00 AM

Fed Lakota one pound of beef and placed a beaver carcass near the den hole. Staff isolated the yearlings from 9am – 2pm so Lakota could eat in peace. All wolves very calm. The yearlings show reduced intensity toward Lakota when released from the pack holding area, but Lakota is still intimidated from the last dominance struggle (see 12-27-01 log). While her physical wounds have healed, she may need significant time to overcome her anxiety about the yearlings. Normal tensions in the pack may calm after the winter season or when the yearlings reach sexual maturity, but the use of Chlomipramine has certainly made the yearlings less obsessed with asserting rank order. Lakota just needs time to overcome her anxiety. Until she feels relaxed and freely moves throughout the enclosure, wolf care staff will continue to address her needs while she spends time in the upper wooded portion of the enclosure.

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