lakota – Dec 24, 2007 12:00 AM

Lakota is again taking her meatballs, but staff still needs to crush the pills to ensure that she doesn’t eat the meat and leave the pills in the snow. The issue may have been related to a surplus of food from local deer hunter scraps. As the weather gets colder, her appetite is increasing. She is extremely rambunctious on a daily basis, springing towards staff and running at full speed around the pen. We are happy with her mobility and she appears to have no joint stiffness. Staff have noticed that it is taking more time to get her attention when she is facing away from us; it appears her hearing is probably going. This doesn’t seem to have an impact on her or her social activity in the pack. Wolf care staff will be in on Christmas day to make sure all is well with the wolves, caring for wolves is a 365 day a year job.

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