Healthy Weight

The heaviest weight we ever recorded on Shadow was 95 lbs as a 5 year old wolf. If you may recall, we moved him off display in 2010, not because he was deposed from the Exhibit, but he had become somewhat intolerant of eating in front of the crowds for the feeding program, and started to loose weight. We would obviously feed him alternate meals than the carcass, but he became so focused on keeping himself between the public and the pack, that he started to lose weight. By the time we decided to retire him in 2010, he was down to 71.87 lbs. It only took us 2 1/2 months to get his weight back up to 89 lbs, and that’s where he’s stayed since then. The growth on his face has returned, but not with any significant size. From our experience with Lakota, these facial growths need to be removed at the root to keep them from reoccurring, but since it is such a small growth and the risk of anesthesia is greater, we will just keep monitoring it.