Grizzer – Where Art Thou?

With only one wolf in retirement and having three enclosures to roam, we have noticed an increased amount of vegetation throughout the retired enclosures.  There are times that staff need to search for Grizzer.  Sometimes, he’s in the East Side Enclosure under a dense cover of Elderberry shrubs escaping the heat of the day.  One staff person even witnessed him sleeping on his back with his legs up in the air, certainly a picture of relaxation.  One thing Grizzer does well is relax.  Especially with the wolf care staff giving him their full and undivided attention.  When the pups come next year, the Pack Holding area near the wolf yard will be dedicated to pups, leaving Grizzer to roam his back habitat and the East Side Retirement enclosure.  I suspect he will not be pleased with that management decision.