Grizzer – That Feels Good

Grizzer likes the wolf care checks when we massage his coat and do a good check for ectoparasites and other issues.  His facial expressions certainly tell us that it feels good.   During a Wolf Enrichment Webinar last week, the pack was very distracted and seemed to be focused on the upper wood line of the enclosure.  Based on the pack’s behavior, I asked a staff member to go to the back door and check it out.    We had a wolf adjacent to the fence line by the Exhibit Pack.  I don’t know who was more startled, the wolf or the staff member.  The wolf took off and circled behind the enclosure to the East side enclosure.  Grizzer didn’t respond much at the time, but Aidan was sure hopping and running the fence line. Several bouts of howling were recorded on the Wolf Watch program on Friday night (the night before the webinar), I guess we have our answer as to the stimuli.