grizzer – Nov 27, 2010 12:00 AM

Grizzer has had a hard week. It is a challenge to manage wolves with injuries. Bringing a wolf out of the enclosure can affect their rank, and can result in a wolf not be accepted back into the pack. Medical decisions must be weighed carefully, and on Saturday, the need to stitch Grizzer's wounds were a priority. Grizzer did extremely well with the procedure, and was back in the pack with Maya and Aidan within 3 hours. Maya showed him great support, licking his wounds and keeping Aidan away, although Aidan is showing very strong signs of bonding to Grizzer, and wasn't a concern. In order to make a clean stitch, Grizzer had to have his head shaved, which eliminates any postcard photos for a while, but overall, his attitude is good, he is still in command of the pack, Maya is showing pair bonding with him, and he continues on antibiotics until the wound is healed.

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