grizzer – Nov 15, 2004 12:00 AM

On Thursday, November 11th, the Center Staff conducted a chemical immobilization on the three males of the exhibit pack. It was decided that Malik would receive a complete exam on his knee including x-rays, Shadow would get his ears cleaned and get a diagnosis of his problems and as long as the arctics were down, Grizzer would be neutered. We had intended to wait until the May medical exam to do Grizzer, but his incredible growth rate and tendency to focus on Malik as an outlet for dominance, we decided it wouldn't be wise to take Malik and Shadow out without Grizzer. Grizzer's trip to the Vet clinic was uneventful. He had a very smooth immobilization and was up and around in no time. He weighed 84 lbs and was deemed very healthy. He was back in the pack chewing on a frozen beaver by early afternoon and doesn't appear to be bothering his stitches. He looks great this morning and weekend reports have him running with the pack as if nothing happened. The vet's use dissolvable stitches, so there is no need for a return visit to the clinic.

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