grizzer – May 21, 2010 12:00 AM

If you look at this week's photo, you will see Grizzer still submissive to Shadow, but there's a look in his eye that's a bit more intense. The behavior is an avert gaze, but it's not a passive look. Grizzer has been having the hardest time with this heat, he has more mass of body and hair to shed. He is extremely tolerant of brushing and of most handling. We did vaccinate all wolves this week, well, except Shadow, who knew we had the syringe before we entered the enclosure. Grizzer was the first to get his vaccination, in the Youtube video to be posted later today, he submitted to me while I was trying to give the shot. This is a bit problematic when trying to give a Subcutaneous injection. He did have two wolves supervising, making him a bit cautious.

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