grizzer – Jun 8, 2009 12:00 AM

Grizzer and Malik's tension seems to have diminished. There were only a few incidents of tension, and all can be correlated to external influences (nighthike groups too loud, people violating the temporary fencing and coming too close to the enclosure on the far side etc.). As you can see from Grizzer's photo, his muzzle is still swollen, and the wound re-opens every time one of the yearlings muzzle bites him, which is daily (hourly?). Maya and Denali do spend a lot of time grooming the wound, which is helping to keep it clean. Our attempts to put anti-biotic ointment on Grizzer's nose resulted in Aidan and Denali licking the ointment off and trying to scent roll on Grizzer. We've stopped putting ointment on, the wolves grooming patterns are keeping the wound clean.

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