grizzer – Jun 7, 2013 12:00 AM

We weighed the wolves this week and Grizzer weighed in at 118.6 pounds. He shows no signs of age related weight reductions. He's definitely as strong as he was when he was a yearling. Here's a review of his annual weights since he was a yearling. <li> 5/6/2005 Grizzer 93.5 1 (Yearling) <li>5/2/2008 Grizzer 110 4 years <li>4/22/2009 Grizzer 121.25 4 years, 11 months <li>4/29/2010 Grizzer 124.52 5 years, 11.5 months <li>6/14/2012 Grizzer 115 8 years, 1 month <li>6/4/2013 Grizzer 118.6 lbs 9 years 1 month

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