grizzer – Jun 27, 2004 12:00 AM

Today Grizzer is 53 days old. In the morning he started becoming anxious and wanted to be outside. Outside, Grizzer greeted arctics vigorously and then went to explore the dogloo dog house in the overnight outdoor kennel. Grizzer did well througout most of the 11 am program, then became anxious near the end and climbed on top of the log and tried to jump on the fence. He has been actively seeking a way out of the pup kennel during the programs and has learned how to jump from the log to the fence. Grizzer was anxious throughout 1 pm program. This time, he was not easily distracted and also he was very aware of the people and audience movement. He was panting it may have been too hot in the auditorium. Upon his return to the outdoor enclosure, he immediately ran to the pool and splashed water around. His appetite has been increasing, he gobbled down his portion and the left overs from Maya's. During the 3 pm program, he was anxious and he could not really be distracted by anything. He did a lot of pacing, but no whining or howling. He seemed to be a little warm as well.

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