grizzer – Jun 12, 2004 12:00 AM

Grizz is 38 days old today. Grizz was very anxious during pup programs. He was pacing, panting and whining throughout programs and had to be pulled early. Grizz still seems to prefer bottle feeding over the weaning formula, but with persistence from staff he does eat some of the weaning mix. Staff took the pups to their outside puppy pen following the 1:00 pm program. Grizz was very explorative and showed heightened interest in Malik and Shadow's den which they had dug several weeks ago. Grizz has been less assertive when it comes to dominance. He often doesn't react at all when Nubee is biting and chewing on him. Staff is becoming more vigilant in thwarting aggressive behavior directed at personnel. When he growls and bites staff they turn him over on his back in a submissive position.

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