grizzer – Jul 7, 2008 12:00 AM

Yes, we have weights on all the adults. Curator, Lori Schmidt and Pup Care Staff, Joyce Riveroll purchased a large floor scale and are now able to weigh all the adults. We will continue to monitor weight on a monthly basis. The Exhibit Pack has a weekly enclosure enrichment program, that is a bit different than last year. Last year, we would lock the wolves off in the pack holding area and hide bacon or other meat products in the rocks. This year, the pups are in the pack holding area, so the wolves aren't draw off the Exhibit. Therefore, we can't walk into the enclosure with bacon in our hands. So, we are floating ice cubes with venison brats in the pond, and stocking the pond with minnows to help control the algae. Grizzer dives for the ice cubes, and looks for the minnows, but he also searches the rocks where we put food items last year, even though we haven't done that since last August.

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