grizzer – Jan 28, 2008 12:00 AM

This week’s photo for Grizzer shows many indications that he considers himself lower ranking than Shadow. The first indication is the ears perked forward on Shadow and the ears back and to the side on Grizzer. Grizzer is also averting his gaze not looking Shadow directly in the eye. These are important postures to note when trying to determine status among wolves. As you may know, during the first week of the pup’s introduction into the pack next fall, we will have a behavioral team monitoring the wolves, making sure the pups are doing well in the Exhibit pack. In order to learn these subtle behaviors, an Ethogram was created and is often used by wolf care staff when interpreting behavior. As a reminder, Nanny and Behavioral Observation applications are still being accepted until February 1st. We are willing to accept the application as an email attachment.

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