grizzer – Jan 21, 2008 12:00 AM

This is the first true subzero weather this winter and the wolves are handling the temperatures well, even the 30 below zero evenings. In an effort to ensure that the wolves have enough energy to stay warm, the Exhibit pack had an extra feeding this week, primarily for Malik and Shadow, as Grizzer and Maya have no problems getting their fair share. Usually after a Saturday feeding, the pack has plenty of leftovers and caches, and will often be observed feeding on carcasses through the following Wednesday or Thursday. But, last week’s deer was completely gone by Monday, so the extra feeding was helpful. We also included 2 beaver with the full deer carcass for the feeding this past Saturday. Beaver have a good fat content and are a valuable food in the cold season. We would also like to thank Wendy Watson for her recent donation of 8 straw bales to the wolves. With the snow arriving so early, we have been using an abundance of straw, including the donation from Andi Nelson and Theresa Williams.

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