grizzer – Dec 28, 2012 12:00 AM

Grizzer has been in an unusually playful mood, doing playbows to staff and inviting chase. Of course, it's Center policy that we don't run with or around the wolves as it stimulates a predatory response, but it was enjoyable to be part of the one way chase. Grizzer would playbow, run to the back of the enclosure, come back and playbow again, repeating the chase. He does this to Oscar as well, but it's through the fence. After a 30 minute session, he curls up in his straw bed and takes a relaxing rest. But, if Shadow and Malik start a chase scene, Grizzer is right at the gate in a T2 aggressive tail towards Malik. This reinforces our decision to keep Grizzer and Malik separated.

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