grizzer – Dec 23, 2011 12:00 AM

We are happy to report that Grizzer can still cause some trouble. In the past several months, wolf care staff have gotten into a routine with Grizzer. He greets, goes to the den for some interaction, may race around the enclosure, then may submit to wolf care staff to get a full belly scratch. He's calm for staff interactions and as long as there's no strangers in the yard (Grizzer is all about stranger danger), then things are good. Well, we were raking straw on his den this week and we discovered that he still has a bit of the wild side. When a rake quickly moves back and forth, the predatory drive is stimulated, and Grizzer went into a full stalk, paw and bite posture towards the rake. It was great to see him stimulated, and the rake did survive, but this week's photo shows the change in posture from his normal pose.

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